Monday, May 3, 2010

*25 Cats Name(d) Sam and One Blue Pussy

Artist: Andy Warhol
Title: 25 Cats Name Sam and One Blue Pussy
Date: Circa 1954
Material: Book
Location: Only 150 printed;
Significance: This book caught my name because of the title (childish but I'm being honest). The "d" was accidentally left of the NAME in the title by Julia, Andy's mother who was the calligrapher for the book. This added perfect imperfections to this art which Warhol loved. It's actually a series of snippets/mini stories of "cats" 18 of which were actually named Sam. This is significant to this project because it shows Warhol's variety. Not only did he single handily start a new art form that is still prospering today, but he also dabbled in other mediums. These were given as gifts and keepsakes but are highly prized today.

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