Monday, May 3, 2010


Artist: Andy Warhol
Title: Knives Pink
Date: 1982
Material: Acrylic and silk screen ink on canvas
Location: Selections from the Andy Warhol Collection, D.C.
Significance: This piece just illustrates and reiterates Andy's love for silk screens. For this he used a Polaroid, one of his favorite base mediums, a very bright, girlie pink to accentuate the knives. This is another comical piece. Pink Knives? Who can take pink knives seriously? This piece is significant to the pop art form because it shows how basic it can be just by viewing it to how deep the culture has grown to become by actually studying it.

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite one you got up here. Honestly to me, after looking at it for a while, I couldn't see the knives being any other color than pink.
